Latrigg - September 2017

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The day before this walk we had picked up a map of all the Wainwright fells and decided we wanted to pursue this as one of our hobbies. The night had a lot of rain, and the next morning continued with light rain so we then drove over to Keswick and spent some time there, realizing that the weather wasn’t going to improve much we decided to get some of the smaller fells in. checking the map, we could see Latrigg was just a few minutes away so off we went to start the day of small fells! 

Upon arriving at the car park, we realised that actually this wasn’t going to be a difficult walk at all (next time we would park further away as the car park is very close to the peak).  The walk is pretty straight forward, it’s a small loop around the fell. More importantly than the height and distance covered, is in fact the absolutely stunning views (even in the rain) as you look down on Keswick and Derwent water, as well as across to Catbells and the surrounding fells.  

We enjoyed the views so much so, that later in the same day we drove back over here to sit and watch the sun set over Keswick. All in all, I must say this has some of the best views that we have seen recently.